We are Norwich terrier breeders located in Northern California. Thank you for visiting our Verdant Norwich site.

Our goal is to breed sound and healthy Norwich terriers. We started in 2007 under the guidance of some wonderful Norwich breeders. We are so proud to have bred some wonderful pooches and enjoy seeing them in the show ring and others' being beloved companions. 

Please feel free to share our website through your facebook (click on the facebook icon above).


January 2025



Desert Empire Terrier Cub of Southern Cailforina and Kennel Club of Palm Springs


Axl (CH Verdant's Sweet Child O' Mine) was shown the first time as a champion to great acclaim. Axl (16 months) won Best of Breed over a field of 16 Norwich 3 times at the four day event. The day he didn't win he got an Award of Merit. Axl is the nephew of GCHS CH Verdant's Levi the Lucky One who was the 2020 AKC #1 Norwich terrier. Axl's lineage goes back to his grandfather GCHG CH Apollo (2013 AKC #1 Norwich terrier) on both sides of his pedigree. We are excited about Axl's future because he loves showing in the ring as much as we do!

Verdant's Levi the Lucky One
Verdant's Levi the Lucky One
2020 #1 AKC Norwich Terrier
GCHS CH Verdant's Levi the Lucky One

Levi's dad is Apollo who we bred. Apollo was the #1 AKC Norwich Terrier in 2013.  Levi was bred by us and while showing was owned by Barbara Miller from Long Island.
In October 2014, Andrew and I discovered that Paulo was selected for worldwide advertising of Eukanuba dog food along with his 1/2 brother Vinnie.
Vinnie on the front cover of the bag.
2013 #1 AKC Norwich Terrier
GCHG CH Apollo

Apollo was the first dog we bred. He is now living the life of a retired show dog in Sacramento. He lives with Tuyen and Oanh Tran.



Desert Emprie Terrier Club of Southern California

Best in Speciality Bred By-Exhibitor (BBE)

Harper (Verdant's Head Over Heels for Harper), like her mom Pia in 2022, was selected as the BBE three years later. We value this recognition a lot. The Palm Springs shows are the largest terrier gathering on the West Coast of the US,  Over the last four years, Verdant dogs have won BBE 3 times, with 2024 Toby going group 3 BBE. For us as breeders, being singled out for our breeding accomplishments means so much. We are thankful judges think our breeding stock is consistently of high quality. (see mom Pia below)

2024 Best Owner Handled in Speciality at the Desert Empire Terrier Club 

GCH Verdant's O' What A Conundrum (Stanley) followed up his 2023 Bred By Exhibtor In Speciality win with the 2024 Best in Speciality Owner Handled dog. He was expertly handled by his owner Keith McDonough with Mark Jensen cheering on both Stanely and Keith at ring side.

2024 Desert Empire Terrier Club of Southern California Specialty- Group 3 Bred-by Exhibitor 

Verdant's Tremendous Honor (Toby) won Group 3 in the Bred-By Exhibitor competition. We, sadly, didn't do as well as as 2022 and 2023,  but 3rd is a very repectful placement considering the strong competition at the Empire Polo grounds.

2023 Desert Empire Terrier Club of Southern California Specialty- Group 1 Bred-by Exhibitor

CH Verdant's O' What A Conundrum won his championship and went onto win Group 1 Bred-By Exhibitor competition. This was the second year in a row that we won this honor, which we think speaks volumes about our breeding stock. The show is the largest gathering of terriers on the West Coast.

2022 Desert Empire Terrier Specialty- Group 1 Bred-by Exhibitor

We are very proud of this accomplishment becasue it shows we are making progress with our breeding program. Verdant's Journey to Olympia "Pia", co-owned with Carol Rotas, was awarded the best dog bred and shown by any exhibitor at the largest terrier show on the West Coast.

Bonnie's awarded Best Beginner Puppy in Show
Bonnie's awarded Best Beginner Puppy in Show
Terriers aren't for the faint of heart
Terriers aren't for the faint of heart
Vinnie is a model for Eukanuba Puppy food.  Look at him strut his stuff.
Female puppy at 3 weeks old.
Female puppy at 3 weeks old.
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