Our breeding program is now being recognized nationally. We entered 3 young dogs at the National show weekend. Here are our results at the largest gathering of Norwich show dogs.
Levi, 6-9 months puppy dog class.
Day 1: 1st in class
Day 2: 1st in class and Reserve Winners Dog, 3 popint major win
Day 3: 1st in class
Layla, 6-9 puppy bitch class
Day 1: 1st in class
Day 2: 1st in class
Day 3: 1st in class
Ivy, Bred by Exhibitor Bitch class
Day 1, 1st in class, Winners Bitch, 5 point major win
Day 2: 1st in class, Winners Bitch, 5 point major win and Best Bred-by exhibitor in Show
Day3: Best Opposite Sex, 5 points toward Grand Champion title