Future Puppies
We currently have 1 litter in the whelping box (Dec 2024), we had a cancelation on one of the female pups so she is available in mid Jan 2025. We anticipate 2 more litters in December and both girls have 4 pups confirmed via ultrasound. We let our pups go at 10 weeks, so pups will be available to go to their forever homes mid March 2025. We have one more girl who may be pregnant but it is too early to do an ultrasound, we'll know more in about a week (Dec 18, 2024).
Our girls are like young women living in the same dorm, they cycle at about the same time, so more will come into heat soon.
If you are interested, please contact Cary at (916) 730-8375 or email him at cjtrexler@ucdavis.edu.
Golden Gate Kennel Club
Woodland CA
December 2024
Harper earning her first points at the Golden Gate Kennel Club in Woodland CA with co-breeder Carol Rotas at the lead.
Best Puppy in Show
Wine Country Kennel Club
Napa CA
November 2024
Sire and Dam: CH Goldrush's Don'T Worry Baby X CH Verdant's Journey To Olympia
Harper won back to back BBPIS at the Wine Country KC. This was the first time we have ever had a puppy win Best in Show two days in a row during a weekend.
Best Puppy in Show
Sun Maid Kennel Club
Fresno CA.
February 18, 2024
Verdant's Sweet Child of Mine (Axl)
Sire and Dam: CH My-Lynn Cloverridge Silas x CH Verdant's Breaker of Hearts
Axl won BBPIS at the Sun Maid KC. He only competed at two shows as a 4-6 month old pup. He is an Apollo great grandson.
Russet (or as his owner Kate calls him - Spud) first won Best Norwich Terrier Puppy at the show. He then went onto be awarded the 4th Best Terrier puppy in the entire show. This show is the largest terrier show on the West Coast.
Puppies from Verdant Norwich
As of January 2024, we have over 40 families on our wait list for puppies. Altough the number is 40, many of the people waiting for pups have their names on the waiting list way before they are ready to adopt a pup. Therefore, we sometimes have pups that need homes someone cancels right before the pup is ready to go to its' forever home. If you are interested in purchasinhg a companion pet, please go to the questionnaire page and fill out an application. We use these forms to place prospective buyers on our wait list. Because Norwich pups are so difficult to find, we hold true to the order of families waiting. If you have submitted an adoption form and heard back from us, you are on the list and we will do our best to honor your request.
If you are willing to work with us to have a pup shown to championship, you will advance to the top of the list. Our hope is that by prioritizing those who want to breed and show, more healthy Norwich can be provided to the public. If you have never shown before and live in the Northen Calfornia area, we would be more than happy to help you learn about breeding and showing. If you are interested in a show dog and would want to have a professional handler to show your dog, we would also move you up the list as well. We suggest you contact us via email or phone to get more details about showing and breeding.